
Thursday, October 25, 2018

My poem

No one locked the back door and he walked straight in a cheeky cheerful giant with prickles on his chin.
He tiptoed to the kitchen and ate 2 loves of bread he nearly scoffed the pizza too but wolfed a cake instead.
He did a giant burp which made him smile and laugh then he thumped on down the hallway until he found the bath.
He turned on the hot water and filled it to the brim then caused a mini tidal wave trying to squeeze in.
But he was far to big of course and it  just as well because he left his gumboots on and all his clothes as well.
felling a bit sleepy he plonked onto the bed closing his sleeping giant eyes inside his giant head.
when his snoring woke me and I saw him lying there I didn't yell or scream out loud in terror and in fear.
I knew this naughty giant had come at night before whenever his forgetful mum had locked him out net door.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Replying to comments

We are learning how to reply to blog comments. A comment reply has a must, should and could do list. Please check out my blog.